Shree Salasar Balaji Temple 2024 | Salasar Balaji Temple History | Aarti Timings | History | Entry Fees | Things to do in Salasar Balaji Temple | Best time to visit Salasar Balaji Temple | Salasar Balaji Temple Guide

Salasar Balaji History

Salasar Balaji Deity | Click on Image for Credits

Shree Salasar Balaji Temple, located about 170 km from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, is considered one of the largest religious pilgrimage sites in Rajasthan. The fame of the Salasar Balaji temple can be gauged from the fact that lakhs of devotees visit Salasar to visit Salasar Balaji at the Lakkhi fair held during Hanuman Jayanti. The story of the construction of the Salasar Balaji temple is linked to the ancient statue of Hanumanji revealed from the ground by Sant Mohandas Ji and at Asota village, 31 km from Salasar.

According to the legend associated with the construction of the Salasar Balaji temple, Mohandas Ji, the youngest son of Pandit LachhiramJi Patodia, a resident of Rulyani village, 38 km from Sikar, was of a religious tradition from childhood. It was only after the birth of Mohandas Ji that after seeing his birth chart, the astrologer predicted that this child would go on to become a very big saint and gain fame all over the world. Mohandas Ji had great affection for his sister Kanhi. Kanhi was married at that time in Salasar, sometime after marriage, a son of Kanhi was born.

Sometime after the birth of a son, unfortunately, Kanhi’s husband dies. After his sister is widowed, MohandasJi starts coming to Salasar to support his nephew and sister. Due to the hard work done by them, very good crops are grown in the fields and the days of their absence begin to fade away. Over time, Mohandas Ji’s nephew Udaya grows up and starts handing over his maternal uncle to the farm. One day, uncle and nephew were working in their fields, when someone snatched away the Gandasa from Mohandas Ji’s hand and threw it away.

Mohandas Ji picks up the dirt and starts working back. But an invisible force snatches the Gandasse from his hand and throws it back. Mohandas Ji starts picking up Gandasse and starts his work. Mohandas Ji’s nephew Udaya has been watching this development from a distance for a long time. Uday goes to his maternal uncle and advises him to take some time off. On doing this Mohandas Ji tells his nephew Uday that an invisible force is snatching away the Gandasa from his hand and throwing it away.

After returning home from the farm in the evening, Uday tells his mother Kanhi about the developments in the farm. On this, Kanhi thinks that she should get her brother married now. When Mohandas Ji comes to know about his marriage, he speaks to his sister that the girl with whom he will talk about their marriage will die prematurely. Kanhi, not believing her brother, talks about her brother’s relationship with the family of a girl. After some time, the girl whom Kanhi wants to marry her brother dies suddenly.

When Kanhi comes to know about this, she completely abandons the idea of her brother’s marriage. After this incident, Mohandas Ji also observes a lifelong celibacy vow and starts focusing his mind on worship and religious work. Shortly after this incident, Kanhi is feeding her brother and son at home, at the same time a petitioner comes to the door of the house to ask for alms. Kanhi gets a slight delay in reaching the door with alms.

When Kanhi takes alms till he reaches the door, the petitioner leaves from there. And at that place, the shadow of that petitioner is only visible. When Mohandas Ji comes to know about this, then he also comes to the door running because he knows the truth of that petitioner that he is Balaji himself and no one else. Kanhi feels very sad due to her delay. This Mohandas Ji advises his sister to be patient. Slowly one spends time and after about one and a half to two months a monk at the door of Kanhi’s house chants Narayana Hari- Narayana Hari.

On hearing this voice, Kanhi rushes to Mohandas Ji and tells someone that someone has come to the door of the house. Mohandas Ji immediately runs to the door of the house. Balaji, disguised as a monk, is returning at that time, but Mohandas Ji runs and lies down at his feet and prays for the delay. Then Balaji appears in his real form and says to Mohandas Ji that – I am very happy with your service and devotion, you worship and meditate with me sincerely, so I will fulfil all your wishes and say what you ask On this Mohandas Ji earnestly requests Balaji to see his sister Kanhi as well.

Balaji accepts this request of Mohandas Ji and says that – I will be seated on the holy seat and will accept the kheer and churma, including sugar candy. After this Balaji comes to his house with Mohandas Ji. Here, Mohandas Ji and his sister Kanhi make Balaji a meal of their choice with great gratitude. After resting on the beautiful and clean bed, Balaji is pleased with both his brothers and sisters and says that no one will try to cast my shadow on him.

I will accept whatever is offered in reverence and love will fulfil all the wishes of my devotees and will always reside in this place named Salasar, saying that Balaji disappears. After this incident, Mohandas Ji observes a silent fast and sits in seclusion under a Shami tree.

Lord Hanuman Ji

After some time, people start calling MohandasJi mad as Bavaliya. One day Mohandas Ji, the Shami tree under which he was doing penance, suddenly is loaded with fruits. A Jat’s son climbs the Shami tree to pluck the fruits planted on the Shami tree. But due to his nervousness, some fruits fall on Mohandas Ji. Mohandas Ji’s austerity gets disturbed due to falling fruit on him. On opening his eyes, he sees that a son of a Jat is climbing on Shami’s tree and trembling in fear.

Mohandas Ji tells him that there is nothing to fear and also asks him to come down from the tree. After coming down from the tree, Jat’s son tells Mohandas Ji that his mother had refused but his father has forcibly sent him to bring the fruit of his Shami and said that Bavaliya sitting under the tree will not eat you. Mohandas Ji speaks to the son of that Jat to tell his father that the person eating the fruits of Shami does not live.

But Jat does not take seriously what Mohandas Ji has said. And eats the fruit. It is believed that the Jat dies after eating the fruit. Since then, a feeling of devotion towards Mohandas Ji has appeared in people’s minds. After this incident, many more miraculous events happen, due to which the reverence of Mohandas Ji increases in people even more. Once, Uday saw that there were huge claws on his body. On Uday’s asking, Mohandas Ji avoids his talk.

After some time it is learned that Balaji and Mohandas Ji often practised wrestling and other sports together. Due to such miraculous events, Mohandas Ji’s fame started spreading all around and people started coming to see Mohandas Ji. An incident between Thakurs and Mohandas Ji is considered very important. At that time Salasar was under the then Bikaner state. The villages around Salasar were ruled by Thakurs. At that time, Thakur Dhiraj Singh had the responsibility of looking after the villages around Salasar.

One day Thakur Dhiraj Singh gets the news that a large army of dacoits is coming to his village very fast with the intention of looting. Thakur Saheb did not have enough time to seek military assistance from Bikaner. Finally, Thakur Salam Singh of Salasar finally advised Thakur Dhiraj Singh to meet Mohandas Ji. When both Thakurs reached Mohandas Ji for help. So Mohandas Ji convinced both Thakurs and said that the victory flag of the bandits was to be brought down by taking the name of Balaji.

At that time, the power of any army was considered its victory flag. According to Mohandas Ji, the Thakurs with their swords cut the victory flag of the dacoits and dropped them on the ground. After doing this, the chieftain of the dacoits fell at the feet of the Thakurs. Because of this incident, reverence for Mohandas Ji increased even more among the Thakurs. After this incident, Mohandas Ji resolved to build a grand temple of Balaji at Salasar.

Thakur Salam Singh of Salasar decided to give full support to Mohandas Ji for the construction of the temple of Balaji and sent a message to his father-in-law Champawat Ji to send a statue of Balaji to the village of Asota, 31 km from Salasar. At the same time, when a farmer in Asota was sowing his field at the time of Brahmuhurta, the plough of that farmer suddenly collides with some stony thing. On digging at that place, he finds an idol. The farmer removes the idol keeps it elsewhere and rejoices in sowing his field.

After a while, a very severe pain starts in the stomach of that farmer. When the farmer’s wife comes to know about her husband, she quickly approaches her husband. When asked by his wife about abdominal pain, the farmer tells his wife about the statue emanating from the ground and then about the pain in his stomach. The farmer’s wife was sensible, she immediately went to the statue that had come out of the ground and cleaned the soil on it. After cleaning the soil on the statue, Hanuman Ji appeared on the farmer’s wife with Lord Ram and Lakshman on his shoulder.

The farmer’s wife installed the statue of that black stone near a nearby tree and offered a pardon to the statue and apologized for the crime committed by the farmer inadvertently. Soon after doing this, the stomach pain of the farmer completely ends and the farmer becomes completely healthy. The news of this miracle associated with the statue spreads like fire in the whole village.

Thakur Champawat of Asota also comes to visit this statue and brings the statue to his mansion. The same night Balaji is seen by Thakur Champawat in his dream and orders to send that statue to Salasar. The next morning Thakur Champawat decorates a bullock cart under the protection of his soldiers and along with the Bhajan, the congregation departs the statue from Asota to Salasar. As the statue in the bullock leaves for Salasar from Asota the same night Balaji appears in the dream of Mohandas Ji and says that he is coming to Salasar in the form of a black idol to fulfil his promise.

The next morning Mohandas JI and villagers along with Thakur Salam Singh of Salasar welcomed the statue with great pomp. In 1754, on the day of Shukla Navami Saturday, the statue of Hanuman was installed in the village of Salasar with complete legislation. On the day of Shravan Dwadashi, Mohandas Ji became so engrossed in the service of Balaji that he made up the idol with ghee and vermilion. Since that time, which Balaji has been wearing his pre-seen form in which he was holding Lord Rama and Lakshmana on his shoulders. He was now wearing a beard-moustache, tilak on the forehead, big eyebrows, big and beautiful eyes and a mace on the mountain.

Large fair to be held in Salasar Balaji

Hanuman Jayanti Festival at Salasar Balaji | Ref Image

Two huge fairs are organized every year at the Salasar Balaji temple. During the fairs held here, lakhs of devotees come to Salasar to see Balaji. The first fair in Salasar is held during the Hanuman Jayanti in April. A very big fair is held in Salasar at the time of Sharad Purnima falling in October. Apart from these two major fairs, devotees also visit Salasar in large numbers during the time of Holi, Diwali and Vijaya Dashami, the major festivals of Hinduism.

Samadhi of Baba Mohan Das Ji – Shri Salasar Balaji Temple

In the main premises of the Salasar Balaji temple, the tomb of his supreme devotee Baba Mohandas Ji remains. It is believed that Salasar Balaji’s darshan is not considered complete without seeing the tomb of Mohandas Ji. Mohandas ji had come to Salasar to serve his sister Kanhi. Shortly after the construction of Balaji’s temple in Salasar, his sister Kanhi died. Shortly after the death of his sister, Mohandas Ji also took a living samadhi.

It is said that Mohandas Ji came here to serve his sister and is still here to serve his sister. There is a belief among devotees that he still sits here in the form of samadhi. Before taking samadhi, Mohandas Ji gave the right to worship Balaji and gave his Chola to his nephew Uday. Even today, the salvation of Mohandas Ji is recited at the Samadhi of Mohandas Ji in the Salasar Balaji temple.

Salasar Balaji’s fumigation

According to the belief associated with the Salasar Balaji temple, all kinds of wishes are fulfilled after seeing Balaji here. Hanuman Ji’s dhuni is also on the temple premises. For which it is believed that after seeing Balaji, it is also very important to have a dhuni darshan. Devotees can first visit Dhuni after coming in from the main entrance of the temple, and can also visit Dhuni after seeing Balaji.

It is believed that thousands of diseases are cured by fumigation. Many devotees visiting here bring iron nails with them. The devotees rotate the nail brought with them from above the fumigation and bury it in the four corners of their house. There is a belief among devotees that positive energy flows in the house. Many devotees take Dhuni’s Bhubat as a Prasad and take it to their home as well.

Location of Salasar Balaji Temple

Lord Hanuman

Salasar Balaji Temple is under the Sujangarh Panchayat Samiti of Churu district of Rajasthan. The distance from Sikar to Salasar is just 55 kilometres (Sikar to Salsar Distance). Sujangarh to Salasar Distance is just 27 kilometers from Salasar. Salasar is just 171 km away from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan (Jaipur to Salasar Distance).

Anjani Mata temple Salasar Balaji

Anjani Mata Temple | Ref Image | Click on Image For Credits

The temple of Anjani Mata, located just 02 km away from the main temple of Balaji, is very famous. According to a legend associated with Anjani Mata, during the Ramayana, Mata Anjani crushed a mountain with her milk razor. In the temple, the Deity of Mata Ji is made in such a way, that Mata Anjani is seated with her son Hanuman in her lap. The Deity of Mata Ji situated in the temple has a conch in one hand and an urn in the other hand.

It is believed by devotees that one can get relief from all kinds of sorrows after visiting the mother. After their marriage, women come here to pray for a happy married life. According to the custom of the local people, the first invitation of marriage is given to Anjani Mata, so that the marriage of both the bride and groom is happy. The Anjani Mata Temple at Salasar was renovated in 1963.

Best time to visit Salasar Balaji

Best time to Visit Salasar Balaji | Ref Image

The time from October to April is considered the best time to visit Salasar Balaji according to the weather. By the way, there is a crowd of devotees to visit Salasar Balaji Maharaj all year. But a large crowd of devotees can be seen on Tuesday and Saturday in the week. If you want to avoid more crowds, then you can leave on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday and come to see Balaji during the rest of the week.

Salasar Balaji Aarti Timings And Darshan Timings

Opening of temple doors – 04:30 AM

Mangal Aarti – 05:00 AM

Balaji Maharaj’s Rajbhog – 10:30 AM

Dhoop and Mohandas Ji’s Aarti – 06:00 PM

Aarti of Balaji – 07:30 pm

Bal Bhog – 08:15 PM

Shyan Aarti – 10:00 PM

Note: There is also Rajbhog Aarti of Salasar Balaji Maharaj every Tuesday at 11:00 am.

Hotels in Salasar Balaji

Hotels in Salasar Balaji

Many dharamshalas and hotels are built in Salasar for the stay of devotees and tourists. To book a room in Dharamshala, you can reach Salasar and get a room for yourself, and if you wish, you can book a room in your Dharamshala for yourself by taking the phone number of any Dharamshala in Salasar from the internet. Apart from Dharamshala, you can book a room for yourself at any hotel in Salasar with the help of an online hotel booking website and app. Before booking a room in Dharamshala or a hotel in Salasar, you must negotiate with the hotelier.

Being a famous religious tourist place, most of the shops in the local market of Salasar Balaji are found in Prasad and Hanuman’s idols. Apart from the shops of Prasad and Photo, you will find small and big restaurants open here. You can buy a lot from here to decorate your home temple. In the local market of Salasar, apart from children’s toy shops, you will find products made from famous handicrafts of Rajasthan.

Salasar Balaji local market

Salasar Balaji Local Market | Ref Image

Being a famous religious tourist place, most of the shops in the local market of Salasar Balaji are found in Prasad and Hanuman’s idols. Apart from the shops of Prasad and Photo, you will find small and big restaurants open here. You can buy a lot from here to decorate your home temple. In the local market of Salasar, apart from children’s toy shops, you will find products made from famous handicrafts of Rajasthan.

How to reach Salasar Balaji

How to reach Salasar Balaji | Ref Image

How to reach Salasar Balaji By Flight

The nearest airport to Salasar is Jaipur Airport. The distance from Jaipur Airport to Salasar is just 184 kilometres (Jaipur Airport to Salsar Distance). Jaipur Airport is very well connected to major cities of India. Apart from this, Jaipur airport is very well connected to many countries of the world. Apart from this, you can also reach Salasar from the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi very easily. The distance from Delhi airport to Salasar is 367 kilometres (Delhi airport to Salasar Distance). From these two airports, you can reach Salasar very easily with the help of taxis and cabs.

How to reach Salasar Balaji By Train

The nearest railway station to Salasar is Sujangarh Railway Station. The distance from Sujangarh railway station to Salasar Balaji is just 27 kilometres (Sujangarh to Salasar Distance). Regular rail service is available to Sujangarh for pilgrims coming to visit Salasar Balaji from Delhi. Apart from this, if you are coming from Mumbai to visit Salasar, then there are two weekly trains. Apart from this, you can also reach Salasar very easily from the railway stations of Jaipur, Sikar and Ratangarh. From all the given railway stations, you can reach Salasar very easily by cab, taxi and bus.

Delhi Train Detail – Salasar Express (22421/22422)

Mumbai Train Detail – Vivek Express 19027 / Hisar-Bandra 22916

How to reach Salasar Balaji By Road

If you want to come to Salasar by your private vehicle or by taxi and bus, then Salasar is very well connected by road from cities like Delhi and Jaipur. Regular government bus and private bus services are available from these two cities to Salasar.

Near Places to Visit Salasar Balaji

Jaipur, Ranthambore, Govind dev ji Temple, Amer Fort, Harsh Bheru, Jeenmata, Shakambhari Mata, Lohagarji, Khatu Shyam ji

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